Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Padmanabhan is 'Padmanabhan' to me?

We were returning from our Pondycherri trip in July 2008. Somewhere near Mahabalipuram, the discussion switched over about my friends. My wife Rekha wanted to know why we addressed Padmanabhan as 'Paddy'. I said that it was just a nick name, like Tanny for Thanigaivel (then it should be 'Rammy' for me, 'Marry' for Murugan, right? We'll see the rule of the thumb later). My kids were resting in the back seat enjoying the music when Gayathri, my eldest daughter sprang up and said that paddy means rice and suggested if my friend's name was 'Arisi chedi' with a smile. We all had a round of laugh at that and it reached a maximum crescendo when I said, 'Avar arisi chedi illae Gayathri, arisi moottai.' After that incident, I some how am not comfortable calling him 'Paddy' and continue to this day call him Padmanabhan because that's his name! The name so affectionately christened by his parents and the name that we do not have the rights to change!

Nick naming convention:
1. Padmanabhan - Take the first letter 'P'. Add an 'a" to it. Add the next syllable 'dd'. End the name with 'y'. It becomes 'Paddy'.
2. Thanigaivel - Take the first letter 'T'. Add an 'a" to it. Add the next syllable 'nn'. End the name with 'y'. It becomes 'Tanny'.
3. Amuthan - Take the first letter 'A'. Add the next syllable 'mm'. End the name with 'y'. It becomes 'Ammy'.

Try this technique to other names too...

1 comment:

Ramesh Ekambaram said...

We have an interesting explanation from Sharanya.

-- 'ARI'"-means lord Vishnu and 'SI' means lord Siva which was a life grain in the initial stage for man.It was a boon given by god to man. So I feel g8 to call him so. --

It's true and I've read it somewhere. Well said Sharanya!